Friday, December 12, 2008

Is It Just Me………

or does Toys R Us always smell like old dirt.
or do Pam and Jim, from The Office, have the weirdest relationship.
or does it seem like girls always say they want a nice guy, but they never do.
or does the price of gas ROCK!!!!
or is Cherry Coke the best beverage on the planet.
or does the current economic situation scare the crap out of you.
or is using a public restroom scary as hell.
or do people only care about themselves.
or is going to a movie opening night the best.
or is Billabong Slim Fit shirts the best ever.
or are long fingernails on a guy the most disgusting thing you have ever seen.
or are doughnuts WAY better then bagels.
or is Star Wars way better then Star Trek
or is having an inner geek kind of cool
or are butt kissers pathetic.
or does dating BLOW CHUNKS.
or has Obama been very impressive.
or is Count Chocula the greatest cereal ever!!
or does being with you children make you feel alive.
or do the wrong people always get the promotions.
or is Pamela Anderson really disgusting
or is being bald BAD ASS!!