Friday, December 12, 2008

Tis the be a Scrooge!

Every year at this time a certain word seems to find it's way in describing me.......Scrooge. It's true that I am not a fan of this holiday, but what does being a Scrooge really mean. Does it mean that I don't like Christmas because it is a celebration of the birth of Christ. Actually it is quite the contrary; I don't like it because the really meaning of the holiday is rarely even discussed. Everyone is so consumed with finding a one of a kind gift, getting up at the butt crack of dawn in hopes of saving $10 bucks, getting plastered at the company party and/or wondering if they spent enough on their loved ones. Hearing of people getting trampled to death, because crazies are rushing into a Wal-Mart to buy a $25 piece of crap DVD player or a $10 vacuum (which does suck by the way, because I got one) is a joke. Risking both life and limb putting up lights so your house can shine just a little brighter than your neighbors, placing your Christmas tree right in front of the window so everyone can see your "amazing" tree and spending tons of money on presents for every person you have ever known so their feelings aren't hurt is what this holiday has turned in to. There is always this feeling of obligation to buy presents for people and this is a holiday when things are never good enough. There was always one more gift you had to buy, and little Timmy is pissed because he didn't get enough or Santa didn't bring him what he wanted. I have heard kids say, after opening a Fort Knox of presents, "is that all?" Hearing that makes me want to dry heave. What ever happened to remembering what this holiday is all about. It's not about presents, lights or parties. It is about remembering one of the greatest events in Eternal History. If being a Scrooge means that I don't get caught up in the gift buying, the fake smiles and constant competition to out do your neighbors and everyone else; then I am a Scrooge and I am damn proud of it!!!

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